“Hyperion: Son of Uranus”


 ”Hyperion-Son of Uranus”, is an installation for the new Environmental Learning Center for the Hyperion Wastewater Treatment plant. Processing millions of gallons of waste per day, it is the last stop for all of Los Angeles County’s waste before heading out to the ocean. The infrastructure to process this waste has grown proportionately to development in Los Angeles over the last 100 years and we wanted to create a visual time-stamp of where we were at. We created a sculpture (named in honor of the greek god which the plant shares his name) that is a visualization of sewer infrastructure in LA county in 2009, the year of our being commissioned. The south facing exterior wall is treated as the entirety of LA County, broken into a grid, proportional to the Thomas Guide grid. Deformation of the surface was determined by pipe dimensions within the wastewater network to determine a new topography for LA, one based on experiencing the invisible infrastructure beneath us which handles our waste. Fashioned from recycled street signs collected from Caltrans over a three year period, the artwork symbolizes, ELC’s mission to protect public health and environment through public education.

site: The Hyperion Treatment Plant

commissioning agent: City of LA/BOE

project manager: Ligeia Gorre 213.202.5546 (p)

subcontractor: CSM laser cutting, FlixFX

medium: Caltrans road signs

dimensions: 22' high by 35’ wide by 5’ deep




Concrete Wallpaper